This first issue of the ISUP Papers explores density in relation to the historical development of different cities and strategies for their future evolution. The second issue (1B) will consider the implications of density for climate change and energy consumption, and the third (1C) will look at density at the wider territorial scale.
Future issues will be dedicated to ‘Scale’ (issue 2), ‘Drawing the Urban’ (issue 3), and ‘Landscape as Architecture’ (issue 4).
The editorial board welcomes suggestions for themes to be addressed in future issues and proposals for contributions.—Jonathan Sergison
We thank all contributors for their critical engagement with the project and members of the editorial board and peer reviewers for their support.
Special thanks go to Thomas Weaver for his critical guidance and the invaluable knowledge that has helped bring the journal to light.
We also thank Marina Aldrovandi and Sarah Handelman for their careful copy editing, Cristina Roiz de la Parra Solanos and Mosè Cometta for their vital role in coordinating with the authors, and Tiziano Casartelli and our colleagues at the Mendrisio Academy Press.
We are indebted to Mathias Clottu for managing the process of development of the website and giving it a clear graphic language.
Finally, we are grateful to the Swiss National Science Fund, whose financial support has made this project possible.
Jonathan Sergison
Editorial advisor
Thomas Weaver
Editorial assistance
Cristina Roiz de la Parra Solanos
Mosè Cometta
Editorial board
Irina Davidovici
Kim Forster
Andri Gerber
Janina Gosseye
Florian Hertweck
Fanny Lopez
Cara Rachele
Lea-Catherine Szacka
André Tavares
Matthew Wells
Copy editing
Marina Aldrovandi
Sarah Handelman
Website design
Studio Mathias Clottu
Arnas Žiedavičius
ISUP board
Jonathan Sergison (Director)
Frédéric Bonnet
João Nunes
Sascha Roesler
João Gomes da Silva
Martino Pedrozzi
Enrico Sassi (Co-ordinator)
Mosè Cometta (Scientific Co-ordinator)
© 2025 ISUP Papers
© for the texts: the authors
© for the images: ISUP Papers, the authors or as noted in the captions.
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Every effort has been made to trace the image copyright holders and to obtain their permission. The authors gratefully acknowledge those who have granted permission for the use of copyrighted images and apologise for any errors or omissions. Any justifiable claim will be honoured within the parameters of customary agreements.