ISUP Papers is a new web-based, open-access architectural publication produced by the Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (USI Università della Svizzera italiana), and published three times a year. It promotes a form of architectural enquiry that is interdisciplinary in character and that collectively looks to refine our understanding and appreciation of environments, both urban and rural, led by objects as much as ideas and at scales that range from the small-scale to the territorial. This flexibility is mirrored by the scope of its interests, including architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, sustainability and ecology, economics, geography and digitalisation, as tools that support the study of territories and the history and theory of urbanism and landscape architecture more generally.
Published essays and articles will work within a thematic framework established by the Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies, but authors themselves will be drawn from all regions, globally, and from the realms of academic research as much as professional practice. Similarly, the ISUP Papers does not restrict itself to a specific geographical area, nor a prescribed tenor or tone. What it encourages instead is a humanistic approach to regional, national and global challenges, with particular attention on environmental sustainability.